
In 2019 I will be focusing on some physical/fitness and creative goals. But before diving into planning out how I want to achieve them I think it’s important to spend some time identifying what has been getting in the way. This will help focus my training but also help me devise tactics to deal with common pitfalls when they arise instead of flying by the seat of my pants all the time.

For the most part I’d say similar things get in the way of both fitness and writing so I’ll start by listing some of the top issues.

Lack of sleep/ sleeping late

Drinking during the week

Guilt around taking me time

No routine/ thrown together workouts or stream of consciousness writing

Comparing myself to others

Ignoring nagging issues

Busy work/ house cleaning/ putting too many unnecessary ducks in a row

Poor nutrition

Too much screen time (tv, phone, iPad, kindle)

Now that I’ve listed some things that typically get in the way of creative or physical goals I can start to think about what I might need in order to accomplish them. What does an ideal day in which I can work on both look like? Or how much time at a minimum allows me to work on both fitness and writing? And maybe even looking at some things that I’m willing to sacrifice if it means more attention paid to what I need to be successful. And it also might help to identify what I need to devote to family and work in order fulfill those very important roles as well.

This is a bit much to break down in one post. So, in a follow up post I’ll start to work out my ideal day and how I can orient it to combat some of the common roadblocks above and create some simple routines for both exercise and creative endeavors.

What are some things that get on the way of your goals?

One Comment

  1. Some of the same things you listed are also challenges for me; in addition I find myself taking on others’ problems and trying to fix/solve for them putting my plan on the back burner. I appreciate seeing your thoughts, it has helped me take a closer look at myself. Thanks!

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