I Didn’t Know Tired

I trained for 9 years. I worked out 2-3 times a day 6-7 days a week. Countless hours spent pushing my physical and mental limits to try to be the best rower I could be. And it doesn’t even come close to how physically demanding and exhausting parenting is. Picking up putting down. Changing...

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Not Much

It’s ok to not have much to say. To feel a sense of contentedness. To enjoy that for a bit. The closeness of family. The quiet end of a day. Echoes of laughter and music and baby talk. I close my eyes and feel grateful. I wake up and feel excited for how rich...

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I got kisses from my son. I commiserated with my teammates at work. I had a nice conversation with the barista at Starbucks. My wife and I laughed at the absurdity of parenting and marriage. I stared into the beautiful blue eyes of both of my sons. I wished an old friend happy birthday....

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We are married to our phones. Heads down, text neck (it’s a real thing- https://www.spine-health.com/blog/modern-spine-ailment-text-neck) in full effect. There’s a world out there! Full of sights and sounds and heat. Full of people that can enrich your life. Make you so full of love and hope and joy. But we are confused. We want...

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9 Years

We didn’t go out for dinner. Or drink champagne. Or have date night. We had leftover Chinese food at the dinner table. Told our son to stop putting his feed on the table. And managed our elderly food obsessed dog darting under the table for every scrap thrown on the floor. It feels like...

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Work With The Jerks

There’s value in working for and with difficult people. They teach us how we want to be by showing us how we don’t want to be. They cause us pain and frustration, which sparks creativity and grows determination. It’s not easy but if you can learn to manage the emotional highs and lows and...

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Shut Up And Do The Work

It’s as simple as that. No need to boast or brag. Show up. Do the work. And let it speak for itself. If you have to narrativize everything you do it’s because you’re missing something. The belief and the body of work behind all the claims. And when you win/succeed be sure not to...

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And So On

Hold em close and hold em tight. Whether they be baby dog or partner. How could we possibly have regret? When each day affords a million opportunities to say “I love you” or to hug and kiss and be close. No matter the ups and downs. The bickering. The small fights. Strive to end...

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