To Write

Every day. For a year. I can’t believe I’m already halfway through June in this project. It seemed so daunting at first. But now it’s part of my daily routine. Write. Publish. Share. I’m so lucky you’ve joined me on this path. Read along as I traverse this new territory. Sometimes getting it right....

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Pretty Gay

There was a time I used to get mad when people compared me to Ellen Degeneres. Because she was gay. And I did not want to be gay or associated with anything gay. But I distinctly remember a time when a classmate of mine leaned down and whispered something to me and her face...

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I Really Should

Not wait until the end of the night to post. I’ve just spent 90′ trying to get my son to go to sleep. I’m annoyed. And tired. The point of this blog isn’t to just post a bunch of rants about parenting and sleep deprivation. I have more to say than that. But like...

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Not Ready

This post is a placeholder. For the right time. The time when I can adequately express what it is that I want to say. Some ideas need more time to percolate. They can’t be spewed out late at night after a long day. They need more care. More mulling over. More delicacy. The risk...

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No More Juice

Once the fruit is squeezed there’s no more juice. At least not in that piece of fruit. There’s always another piece of fruit to keep the juice flowing. It comes from a seed. Planted by a farmer. Grown into a tree. Pollinated. And then the fruit grows and ripens on the branch. Makes sense....

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When It Rains It Poops

Just when it seems things are unbearable something wonderful happens. This is the way of life. Today might seem like more than you can bear. And then next day things flow easily and you’re filled with love. Would it be better to have every day be mundane and the same? Just to not have...

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Hard Days

When everything feels sad. Or harder than it should. When the things you love seem to be in flux. When you’re dancing with precariousness every step of the way. It’s a testament. To how much you care. How much you love. How much it matters. It’s not a sentencing that it’s hard. It’s not...

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All I Know

Is that I love my babies. My family. My dog. My wife. My close friends. For all my faults as a parent and spouse and sister my love for the people and creatures in my life is unwavering. It can’t be diminished or hidden. And sometimes it overwhelms me. When I lose someone I...

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