Getting a grip isn’t that easy. ...
Continue readingTurning The Tables
Tell me something you learned today. Or struggled with. Or couldn’t find a solution to. You’ve heard me go on an on about mine. It’s a boring broken record. How do you deal with it all?...
Continue readingSick Tired Grumpy
I’ve got a cold. I have a royal headache. I’m exhausted. It’s been a long day. My feet hurt. I could whine on and on and on. It’s easy. What’s hard is being grateful. To acknowledge all the many many reasons I’ve got to be happy and feel good about. The boys are asleep....
Continue readingThis Is So Hard
Sometimes (often) I just don’t have it. It has been a long day. Struggles with bedtime are draining us all. I don’t know what to write. In this moment I don’t care about cool ideas or advice giving or creativity. I care about figuring out a better way. Not just getting through. And facing...
Continue readingFar Greater Than A Like
Some might ask “would anyone miss it?” But the real question is “would you miss it?” So often we focus on the external rewards. The things that give us a hit. Superficial. Throwaway. What really matters is that you’re doing your work. Putting it out there because you want to give generously. Not because...
Continue readingJust Deal With It
I think a lot of our problems get lumped into this category. We either don’t have the resources to tackle them head on or we have no idea where to go for help. So we just deal with it. And eventually we might not even think we have a problem because we’re so used...
Continue readingOne Word
Continue readingThe Root Of Frustration
Is an inability to accept the present moment. A baby puking on your clean shirt. A bad decision at work. Traffic. Whatever it is frustration manifests because we can’t accept what’s happening to us in real time. Sometimes this is a good thing. If it propels us to take action and move forward. Working...
Continue readingStill Getting Yelled At By Mom
I heard a lovely story at the dentist this morning. I was chatting with the dental assistant about my dad passing away in May. She told me that her dad passed away last year. He lived into his 70s and his mom died when she was 100. He told her once “I can’t believe...
Continue readingI Don’t Feel 40
But I do feel like I’m – Challenged Curious Excited Passionate Focused Creative Growing Expanding my reach Understanding myself Interested in others Uncovering my truths Pursuing my passions Playful And the list goes on and on. That’s why I don’t feel 40. Because 40 isn’t a feeling. But the ways in which I am...
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