Just because someone has more experience then you or should be the expert does not mean that you should trust them. Or that you should put the fate of your success in their hands. No matter if you’re new or tenured you should take part in the process. Ask questions. Learn. And seek to...
Continue readingThree Questions
What do you need to do? What do you want to do? What do you have to do? Three very similar sounding but very different questions. We can break most things in life down into three categories: needs, wants, and dreams. Needs are things like food, shelter, love, money. Wants are things like pumpkin...
Continue readingHow To Build Something
Take for example a marriage. First you meet. You go on a date. Size each other up. Decide you’re interested and attracted to each other. Go on more dates. Decide you want to be together. Then possibly move in together. Then decide you want to get engaged. Then plan a wedding. Then get married....
Continue readingIdeas Are Bad
Ok they aren’t actually bad. But they can get in the way sometimes. It’s fun to come up with new ideas. To spitball and riff. But then coming up with ideas incessantly can become a hindrance to taking action. We can get so wrapped up in perfecting an idea that we never do anything...
Continue readingShine The Light
When others are struggling we offer help. An encouraging word. A hug. We give our best to support them and make them feel seen and heard. This is good work. But when it comes to ourselves we are our own worst enemies sometimes. We criticize ruthlessly. Beat ourselves up. Punish ourselves for our failures....
Continue readingTil Tomorrow
I don’t have it it me to write a post right now. I’ll just say that I’m grateful and going to bed. Sometimes we can say more by saying nothing at all. Or whatever....
Continue readingTry
Sometimes all you can do is try. It might not work out but you can try. Or is this really all we can do? You can pivot. Try something new. Scrap your project altogether. Abandon ship. Sometimes what we believe is our only “best” option is holding us back from discoveries and insights. Don’t...
Continue readingWhat Can You Do?
Whatever the difficult thing is, there’s no doubt that it’s hard. To feel lost or overwhelmed or unmotivated or angry. All valid. You can wallow. Perpetuate the negativity. Continue being angry. Reside in the self pity for a long long time. But what can you turn this bad thing into? What can you push...
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When I was 23 I decided to pack up my belongings, borrow a boat, and move to Augusta, GA to row. My goal was to make the US National rowing team. I had only been rowing for about a year and a half at Ohio State but I fell in love with the sport,...
Continue readingHit The Reset Button
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