Stick It Out

We can’t possibly know what the end of a journey will look like. We can imagine and dream and hope. And that is our fuel. When things get tough and we don’t feel like we are making progress – this is what we need to rely on. And if you stick it out long...

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While It Lasts

I don’t know what happened in the cosmos last night, but today was a near perfect day. Both boys slept through the night in their own beds (Julian only up once). They had a great day playing with Roberta. I got a candidate hired. I made some new connections at work and have an...

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Make Your Mark

I was listening to the Waking Up podcast with Sam Harris today. He usually does a long intro and I find these intros just as interesting and thoughtful as the discussions he attempts to have with other people. In the episode today (#145) he said something that has stuck with me that I’d like...

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If Mom Were Here

I feel like nothing is good enough lately. I’m not happy with my writing. I’m feeling depleted and like I don’t have much to give. I’ve written several posts already tonight and they feel like junk. I actually have the time to write right now but I feel like I’m wasting it. Hmm. If...

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Some things you can’t force. And some you can. You have to decide which is which. Force can be a good thing when you’re stuck. And a bad thing when you’re ready to move on. I have found that I can’t force myself to feel passion when I don’t. And I try to listen...

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Learn Something New

It’s a great way to stave off boredom. A great way to combat negativity. A great way to develop a new useful skill. A great way to explore the vast world we live in. Complaining is easy. Being angry is easy. Learning something new is fun. Take all the time you’re spending being pissed...

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Hugs Chocolate covered peanut butter malt balls Chicken soup Movies on the couch A down comforter Ohio State sweatshirt Coffee A snuggly dog A fluffy cat Snow falling outside the window Christmas lights Memories of my mom and dad Laughter with a friend There are many many things that bring comfort. This is just...

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When The Breeze Comes

Writing a blog is a fairly lonely endeavor. I enjoy writing. I like holding myself accountable to something. I find the daily challenge of collecting my thoughts into a short post to be rewarding in many ways. And yet, it’s lonely. I get the occasional comment or like or share. And that’s great. It’s...

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