I’m Sorry Is A Habit

You do something wrong. Or overreact. Lash out in anger. Act like a jerk. And then apologize. But then it happens again. Then you apologize again. And so it repeats and becomes ingrained. Good habits aren’t just about stopping bad ones. They are about creating new and more productive or even more passive responses...

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I don’t always appreciate these moments. When I’m holding my son as he falls asleep. Mouth slightly open and face relaxed and soft. He won’t always be small and snuggly. One day he’ll be too big to hold against my heart as he sleeps. I am often waiting for these moments to be over...

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Find A Way

So many things in my life have been a matter of just getting through. Surviving until the end or until something is different or easier. And I might make it through but did I learn anything valuable that could improve my life outside of the immediate situation? Probably not. I’m faced with challenges right...

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What I’ve learned so far this year is that without a clear goal or purpose for this blog I will easily fall into passivity about it. I need something that I can hold myself accountable to. The other thing I’ve learned is that if I want to be good at something I’ve got to...

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When You Run out

Of time … Of money … Of patience … Of energy … Of creativity … You start to compromise what really matters. You take shortcuts or settle. The key is to never get below zero. Finding ways to save or replenish so that you don’t get into a situation where you could make a...

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When It All Matters

Yesterday I realized something. Passion makes compromise hard. It can make you selfish if you let it. And it’s difficult to relinquish something that matters so someone else can have their thing. But doing that feels better than holding on. It all matters. And sometimes something is going to have to give. It’s just...

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Get Off The Road

The road to nowhere is well-worn. Many have travelled it before. And many will travel it after. There are a million miles of road but no destination other than despair. But the beautiful thing about the road to nowhere is that an endless amount of roads to somewhere branch off of it. All it...

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40, Right?

There was one year in my 30s I kept saying I was a year younger than I was. Then there was another year where I kept saying I was a year older than I was. It wasn’t intentional or deceptive. I just actually couldn’t remember. All of my late 30s felt the same. 36,...

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Good Stuff

This week was a good week. Some good sleeps here and there. Teammates doing well at work. Events to look forward to. I’m too tired to write something lengthy or thoughtful. So just wanted to acknowledge that things haven’t sucked so far in 2020. Dare I have hope this year will be way better...

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