Be Specific

I have a reminder on my phone : write a post. Every night at 7:30pm it pops up and is supposed to spur me to action. It doesn’t. I wait until I’m in bed ready to pass out and then I start panicking. What should I write about? And I stare at the screen.

What would be more helpful is a reminder that says: when you get an idea during the day, take five minutes to sit down and write it out. Then I have a specific situation and action to take. This would help me write something post-worthy long before I get in bed and start freaking out about my blog.

Being vague doesn’t help when it comes to achieving a goal. All it does it create more panic because there’s no clear action. But having something specific can help focus your energy into action, such as writing out an idea. And then when I get into bed all I have to do is edit and publish.

Just something I’m learning along the way. I’m gonna edit that reminder now.

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