Be Like Frost, Make The Bold Choice

Robert Frost wrote one of the most quoted poems of all time. He urged the reader to make the bold choice.

“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.”

What a crock of you know what.

In today’s world, who on earth would make that choice?

In our lives we are inevitably faced with diverging choices. One that leads to safety and security. Well-worn and known. The other, sure to be wrought with struggle and pain. Unchartered and indiscernible.

Everything in your life might tell you to not take the road less travelled. Why put yourself through pain and anguish unnecessarily? Take the bird in hand and don’t look back.

If you do you’re guaranteed security, health, and wealth. Your days will be easy and your nights will be filled with blissful sleep. Each day predictable and safe. You won’t have to worry about anything anymore. Just follow the rules and you’ll live a happy, albeit obscure and insignificant life.

The second choice is sure to be full of sorrows and despair, self-doubt and anger. Nothing will be certain. You will constantly have to make difficult choices and have your confidence dashed. People may abandon you. You may become poor. You may lose everything. But you just might do something remarkable. Maybe even create something perennial.

One choice is easy. The other hard.

Only a fool would willingly choose the latter.

But . . . I’d rather be like Frost. Living boldly rather than dying in obscurity.

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