Even When Sick

Baby boy is sick. We are all exhausted. It’s time to rest. Maybe I’ll feel inspired to share something great later. More likely I’ll be asleep watching Our Planet on Netflix. Dreaming about how to save the world. Even when sick. Even when tired. When we are close to those we love. All is...

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I gotta admit tonight I am pretty wiped and not sure what to write about. I’ve shared some pretty personal things recently and I’m not really interested in going that deep tonight. We watched the original Mary Poppins with Lou tonight. Well as much of it as we could before bath and bed. It...

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I think it’s time that I have a mantra again. When I was rowing I had two mantras that kept me motivated and focused. The first was “believe it.” The second was “Love it.” For the first one I realized that in order to be successful I had to believe I could be. So...

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What Would Julia Do?

I’m a passionate person. I feel very protective of the people I love. Sometimes it’s hard for me to accept when people are mean or disingenuous or give less than their best. I can be impatient. I can be judgmental. I wear my emotions on my sleeve and sometimes it puts others on edge....

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Love Your Animals

Give your dog a kiss On the snout They’re looking for your love No doubt Look them in the eyes Deeply now If you want to understand true love They’ll show you how When they get old Be gentle and kind And remember they’re perfect as is And one of a kind. Note: Love...

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A good dad makes sure there is food on the table. That you’ve got clothes to wear to school. That you look both ways before crossing the street. That you go to college and find a good job and become independent. A good dad tells jokes and stories and makes you feel safe. A...

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Because It’s Hard

That’s why you should say it. Why you should write it. Why you should try it. Why you should stand up. Why you should believe. Why you should persevere. My mom always said “the things we leave unsaid are the sins of our lives.” And so are the things we don’t write, try, stand...

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Ya Don’t Say

If you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say anything at all. I’ve made this mistake so many times. I’m a passionate opinionated person. And when I’m frustrated I can’t hide my feelings. Maybe I should stop trying to hide them and be more accepting. More loving. More open. Accept things as they...

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Have Fun In Traffic

Normally when there is traffic and I really want to get somewhere fast I get annoyed. And I focus on the inconvenience and impatience. It tends to sour the mood for everyone. And doesn’t change the fact that it will still take a longer time than I’d like to get there. But tonight I...

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Midnight Oil

No that’s not the title of a terrible b movie. I was just joking the other day about a coworker who frequently works late and asked how often he stocked up on midnight oil. And now here I am working close to midnight to finish up a project. I don’t often work after typical...

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