Adventurous Heart

It’s the night before Christmas. Both boys are sleeping soundly. We’ve wrapped the presents and put them under the tree. We had a wonderful dinner with great conversation after.

The boys are too young to know Christmas as it is today. A largely consumer holiday. Too young to want things. Too young to feel disappointment when they don’t get those things. But their innocence allows them to experience the wonders and joys of being with loved ones and to cherish the gifts they do receive.

I’ll admit I didn’t really do any shopping this year. I looked online and thought about things I might buy but I didn’t go through with any purchases. One thing I am giving to my family this year is something that can’t be bought. I’m going to give them a big adventurous heart. I’m going to focus on how I can open myself up to the wonders and joys of having a family. To show them I can face challenges and frustrations with love and patience rather than resentment. To give to them the best of me. The best of me is worth more than anything I could ever buy for them anyway. And it’s what they deserve.

I don’t think there is anything wrong with buying gifts for people. I actually enjoy doing it. But I want to give a gift that requires my dedication and commitment. One that will continue to give long after the holidays have ended and there are no more deals to be caught by.

To: Kady, Louis, Julian

Here is my big adventurous heart.

From: Margot

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