A Time To Rest

The theme this week is everyone is overloaded at work. It’s a new year. Lots of things have changed and opened up. Lots of newness. And the pace feels ever faster than last year.

The work feels never ending and we strive to tackle as much as we can every day. But there’s always more work left to do.

It’s easy to become obsessed with finishing everything in this context. Once you start it’s hard to stop. But you have to. You have to rest and recuperate and replenish your mind and body so you can continue to work hard again and again.

But without those breaks and the time away fe the tasks that need to be done you’ll run yourself into the ground. And that’s just not good.

Setting boundaries can be difficult if you’re a task oriented person. And being disciplined enough to maintain them when you need to is also hard to do. But it has to be a priority. Yes there are some days it’s unavoidable to work a few extra hours. But that can’t be the norm. And if it is perhaps it’s time to reevaluate the long term value of what your doing for YOU.

We can all stand to shut down, unplug, detach, and get outside or away from the technology that binds us. Taking breaks and setting limits are an important part of success that if ignored can lead to some serious burnout.

So on that note. Closing the phone and going to bed. See you all tomorrow.

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